Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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Street sweeping

Street sweeperResidential City streets are swept every week and are posted with the day and time of the sweeping schedule. It is illegal to park on the street during the scheduled sweeping times. Vehicles parked on the street when the sweeper passes will receive a parking citation. It is illegal to park vehicles on residential lawns, even on street sweeping day. Streets are not swept on City holidays and are not rescheduled for sweeping the following day.

City Holidays are New Year’s day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day following Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and the last working day before Christmas day or, if Christmas Day falls on Thursday, the Friday following Christmas Day. Holidays which fall on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday and holidays which fall on a Saturday will be observed on the Friday preceding the Holiday. For questions, please call Public Works Dispatch at (714) 647-3380.

Holiday schedule

Street sweeping is canceled on City holidays. These dates do not affect the schedule for the remainder of those weeks. Use the button link below to view or download the holiday street sweeping schedule to find out when street sweeping cancelations take place.

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