Grass-to-Garden program


The selection process for the 2023 Grass-to-Garden (G2G) program is still in progress. All participants will be notified by the end of March 2024. Please revisit this page to view the landscape transformations for this year's program!


About the program

Our Grass-to-Garden Program provides a water-wise landscape conversion free of charge to low-income residents in historically underserved neighborhoods. The program, designed to make Santa Ana landscapes water efficient and beautiful, is available to a select number of residents while program funding lasts.


Landscape designs: beautiful and water efficient

Qualifying residents can choose from beautiful landscape designs that are water-efficient and create natural habitats for birds and butterflies. Each design includes:

  • Replacement of your water thirsty lawn with California native plants that require less water
  • The installation of an efficient irrigation system
  • Stormwater retention features such as berms, swales and dry creek beds
  • Mulch and other permeable surfaces to minimize runoff



* Landscape designs provided courtesy of Municipal Water District of Orange County  (MWDOC).

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