Red Flag Warning, Wind Advisory and Dust Advisory in effect

Find updates on fire impacts in Santa Ana here.

Building permit release

Prior to receiving a building permit by the City’s Building Division, you will need to visit the Public Works Agency Development Engineering (Public Works) counter in the City Hall Ross Annex and obtain clearance from that section. The staff at the Public Works will perform a variety of tasks including:

  • review the plans for compliance with the Santa Ana Municipal Code
  • calculate and collect any applicable development impact fees
  • determine and collect deposits for any applicable public improvement requirements
  • provide a release of the building permit to enable the Building Division to issue a building permit


Assembly Bill 1600 Development Impact Fee Report

Government Code Section 66006 requires local agencies that collect development impact fees to prepare an
annual notice detailing the status of those fees within 180 days after the last day of the fiscal year. This report
is being published on the City’s website, in accordance with California Assembly Bill No. 1483.  

Hard copies of the report are available at the main City of Santa Ana Public Library located at 26 Civic Center Plaza.


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