Bristol Street Improvements
Bristol Street is classified as a north-south major Arterial per the City’s General Plan Circulation Element and the County of Orange’s Master Plan of Arterial Highway. Due to growth experienced during the late 1980s resulting in traffic congestion and safety concern with lack of bike lane, we proposed to improve Bristol Street to provide adequate vehicular capacity and add bike lanes from Warner Avenue to Memory Lane. In 1991, the City Council approved the 3.9-mile improvement of the Bristol Street Environmental Impact Report and Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan. The plans incorporate Complete Streets standards, including adherence to the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan with wider sidewalks and landscaped buffers for pedestrians and bike lanes. These improvements will result in greater safety and mobility for all users, improve traffic flow and enhance street scape aesthetics.
Project Objectives
The objective of the Bristol Street Improvements Project is to improve Bristol Street from four lanes to six lanes with three through lanes in each direction, 6-foot wide Class IV Protected Bike Lane on each side of the roadway; 6-foot wide parkway, 8-foot wide sidewalk, 14-foot wide raised median, and approximate 8-foot wall where needed.
The project objectives include, but is not limited to, the following:
• Increase safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorist.
• Reduce traffic congestion and provide traffic calming.
• Improve storm water drainage, water quality, and air quality.
• Greater public access with ADA improvements and dedicated bike lanes.
• Enhanced community beautification with significant public investment.
Project Benefits
The proposed improvements have been designed utilizing Complete Streets principals to provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel for all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists.
- Safety: The narrow travel lanes and raised median will deter speeding through the project segment; Landscape parkways will provide a safe buffer between pedestrians and motorists; Bicyclists will travel in a designated bike lane instead of mixing flow with vehicles and pedestrians; longer raised median and cul-de-sac streets are potentially reduced controlled left turn movements and improved traffic flow.
- Accessibility: Installation of wider sidewalks, ADA compliant curb ramps, and bike lanes will greatly improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Traffic Flow: Improving the remaining phases of Bristol Street will complete the ultimate roadway cross section with six lanes between Warner Ave to 17th St. Ultimately, the proposed Bristol Street improvements will provide safe mobility for all users while improving traffic flow.
Current Bristol Street Improvements
Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue (Phase 3A)
This project is funded with OCTA Gas Tax, OCTA Measure M2 grant, and Federal funds. This segment is currently in the final design and right-of-way acquisition phases. See Public Works webpage for complete project schedule.
Warner Avenue to St. Andrew Place (Phase 4)
This project is funded with OCTA Gas Tax, and OCTA Measure M2 grant, and Federal funds. This segment is currently in the final design and right-of-way acquisition phases. See Public Works webpage for complete project schedule.
Project Schedules and Information
Project Outreach & Resources
- Bristol Street Improvement Project Final Relocation Plan – Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue
- Bristol Street Improvement Project Final Relocation Plan – Warner Avenue to St. Andrew Place
- Bristol Street Improvements Project – Neighborhood Meeting – September 2015
- Bristol Street Improvements Project – Neighborhood Meeting Washington Square – September 2016
- Bristol Street Improvements Project – Neighborhood Meeting – August 2015
- Bristol Street Improvements Project – Neighborhood Meeting – Memorial Park – September 2016
- Bristol Street Improvements Project – Development and Construction Overview – September 2021
Let us know if you have any questions or comments about the Bristol Street Improvements Project.
- Email
- Call (714) 647-5013