Presidents Day observance on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping

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OC Streetcar

The OC Streetcar is Orange County's first modern streetcar. Santa Ana is proud to welcome the OC Streetcar to our community.

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The OC Streetcar is spearheaded by the Orange County Transportation Authority is supported by a partnership between state, county, and community-level agencies and organizations.

Project overview

In 2008, the cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove began a partnership with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to develop a last-mile connection from the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center to Garden Grove, providing greater mobility and transportation choices to the residents of both cities. Through extensive outreach and community engagement, a streetcar alternative was selected by City Council on August 5, 2014. On March 10, 2015, Santa Ana received notice that Federal Transit Authority (FTA) had issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), completing the environmental process and Santa Ana's lead agency role for the project.

Santa Ana will continue to be engaged with its partners at OCTA and Garden Grove as OCTA takes the lead agency role for outreach, design, implementation, operations and maintenance of the project. Please visit OCTA’s OC Streetcar Website for the latest details.

OC Streetcar Project Map

Get to Downtown

OCTA's Eat Shop Play program supports businesses located along the future OC Streetcar route.

We offer free parking or two hours of validated parking in our downtown parking garages to make sure you can get to Downtown with ease.

Visit our Downtown and and find out why we're called Downtown Orange County.


Environmental Assessment / Draft Environmental Impact Report (EA/DEIR)

Contact us for more information

OCTA contact

Tresa Oliveri
(714) 560-5374

Santa Ana contact

Design Engineering
(714) 647-5013

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