Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Financial reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) is a summarization of the City’s financial activity for its fiscal year. The annual fiscal year for the City of Santa Ana begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year.  The ACFR is presented in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and audited by a firm of licensed independent public accountants.

Single Audit of federal awards and other awards

A nonprofit or governmental organization with federal expenditures in excess of $750,000 is required by law to have a single audit performed.  The audit is performed by a firm of licensed independent public accountants and encompasses both financial and compliance components.

Accountability reports for the 1.5% Sales Tax Add-on Approved by voters November 2018

Retail adult-use cannabis expenditures reports

Assembly Bill 1600 Development Impact Fee Report

Government Code Section 66006 requires local agencies that collect development impact fees to prepare an
annual notice detailing the status of those fees within 180 days after the last day of the fiscal year. This report
is being published on the City’s website, in accordance with California Assembly Bill No. 1483.

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