Who Do I Call?
Need help and want to talk to someone over the phone?
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After Hours Public Works Emergencies | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
General Information - City of Santa Ana | City of Santa Ana City Hall | (714) 647-5400 |
Alley Clean-up | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
Animal Services Including Barking Dogs | Police Department | (714) 245-8792 |
Animal License | Finance / Customer Service | (714) 647-5257 |
Animal Shelter (Orange) | Orange County Animal Care Center | (714) 935-6848 |
Arts & Culture | Community Development Agency | (714) 647-5360 |
Athletics (Jerome Center) | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 571-4264 |
Bicycle Licensing | National Bike Registry | (800) 848-2453 |
Bicycle - Found | Police Department - Evidence | (714) 245-8080 |
Bicycle - Report Lost/Stolen | Police Department | (714) 245-8665 |
Bill - Water | Finance / Customer Service | (714) 647-5454 |
Building Inspection | Planning & Building | (714) 667-2738 |
Bus Information | O.C. Transportation Authority | (714) 636-7433 |
City Manager | City Manager's Office | (714) 647-5200 |
Code Enforcement | Community Preservation - Planning & Building | (714) 667-2780 |
Couch Removal (on public property) | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
Crime Prevention | Orange County Crime Stoppers | (855) TIP-OCCS |
Domestic Violence/Other Assistance - Hotline | Police Department - Family Justice Center | (714) 245-8278 |
Election Information | Clerk of the Council | (714) 647-6520 |
Emergency - Report | Dispatch | 911 |
Employment with the City of Santa Ana | Human Resources | (714) 647-5340 |
Employment Services & Job Training | W.O.R.K. Center (801 West Civic Center Drive, Suite 200) | (714) 565-2600 |
Fair Housing & Foreclosure Prevention | Orange County Fair Housing | (714) 569-0823 |
Freeways/Highways/Detours, etc.- Hot Line | Caltrans (Dept. of Transportation) | (949) 724-2000 |
Graffiti Removal on General | Public Works Agency TOLL FREE | (877) 786-7824 |
Graffiti Hotline-any time | Public Works Agency TOLL FREE | (877) STOPTAG |
Graffiti Removal on Bus Stop Shelters | O.C. Transportation Authority / Customer Relations Caltrans | (714) 636-7433 |
Graffiti Removal on Highways/Freeways | O.C. Transportation Authority / Customer Relations Caltrans | (949) 936-3500 |
Graffiti Task Force (Police) | Police Department | (714) 245-8769 |
Hazardous Waste Disposal | County of Orange Integrated Waste Management | (714) 834-6752 |
Home Security Inspection (Community Relations) | Police Department (Community Relations) | (714) 647-5840 |
Housing Authority | Housing Authority | (714) 667-2200 |
Human Relations Dispute Resolution / Mediation | Orange County Human Relations Commission | (714) 480-6570 |
Human Relations Dispute Resolution / Mediation | OCHRC Dispute Resolution Center | (714) 480-6572 |
Human & Social Services (Homeless outreach) | 211 Orange County | 211 |
Human & Social Services (Homeless Hotline) | City of Santa Ana | (714) 647-5341 |
Legal Assistance (Civil) | Public Law Center Legal Aid Society of OC | (714) 541-1010 |
Legal Assistance (Civil) | Public Law Center Legal Aid Society of OC | (714) 571-5200 |
Legal Assistance (Debt Relief) | Consumer Credit Counseling | (800) 213-2227 |
Mayor & City Council | Mayor / Council | (714) 647-5200 |
Mobile Food Vending Vehicle Anonymous Complaint Line | Orange County Environmental Health | (714) 433-6000 |
Mosquito and Vector Control (West Nile Virus Info) | Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District | (714) 971-2421 |
Museum | Bowers Museum | (714) 567-3600 |
Natural Gas | The Gas Company | (800) 427-2200 |
Neighborhood Initiatives Program | (714) 667-2260 | |
Noise Complaints | Police Department | (714) 834-4211 |
Obstructing Bushes & Trees | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
Orange County Fire Authority | Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) | (714) 573-6000 |
Orange County Fire Authority | General Information Community Relations | (714) 573-6200 |
Overcrowding | Community Preservation /Code Enforcement | (714) 667-2780 |
Paramedics - (Emergency? 911) | Dispatch - Orange County Fire Authority | (714) 573-6000 |
Park Rangers | Police Department - (Dispatch) | (714) 834-4211 |
Parking Control | Police Department | (714) 245-8225 |
Parking - Inoperative Junk cars Vehicles on Street | Police Department Community Preservation / Code Enforcement | (714) 245-8225 |
Parking - Inoperative Junk cars Private property | Police Department Community Preservation / Code Enforcement | (714) 667-2780 |
Poison Center | California Poison Control System | (800) 876-4766 |
Police Dispatch (Report crimes, non-emergency) | Police Department | (714) 834-4211 |
Potholes | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
Pupil Support Services | Santa Ana Unified School District | (714) 433-3481 |
Pushcart Information / Problems | Community Preservation/Code Enforcement | (714) 667-2780 |
Recreation Programs | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 571-4200 |
Recreation Programs El Salvador Center | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 647-6558 |
Recreation Programs Jerome Center | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 647-6559 |
Recreation Programs Memorial Center | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 571-4242 |
Recreation Programs Salgado Center | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 571-4267 |
Recreation Programs Santa Anita Center | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 647-6552 |
Recycling, Energy Conservation | Santa Ana Green Program | (714) 647-5088 |
Residential Permit Parking & Traffic Studies | Public Works Agency - Traffic Engineering | (714) 647-5623 |
Rodent / Rat Problem | Orange County Vector Control | (714) 971-2421 |
Sanitation (overgrown yards, etc.) | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3309 |
School Police Services | Santa Ana Unified School District | (714) 558-5535 |
Senior Information | Santa Ana Senior Center - Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 647-6540 |
Shopping Cart Removal | Code Enforcement | (714) 667-2780 |
Street Cleaning | Public Works Agency | (714) 647-3380 |
Street Lights - Customer Service | Southern California Edison | (800) 655-4555 |
Swimming Pools - Public | Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency | (714) 571-4200 |
Swimming Pools - Private | Planning Division | (714) 647-5804 |
Tenant / Landlord Problems | Orange County Fair Housing | (714) 569-0823 |
Traffic Safety | Police Department | (714) 245-8200 |
Trash Pickup & Dumpsters Trash Pickup | Republic Services | (657) 467-6220 |
Recycling | Republic Services | (657) 467-6220 |
Unsanitary and Unsafe Housing | Community Preservation - Planning & Building Agency | (714) 667-2780 |
Voter Registration | Orange County Registrar | (714) 567-7600 |
Water Bill - Water | Public Works Agency Finance | (714) 647-3320 |
Water Bill - Water | Public Works Agency Customer Service | (714) 647-5454 |
Zoning information | Planning and Building Agency | (714) 647-5804 |
Zoo | Santa Ana Zoo | (714) 836-4000 |