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Climate Action Plan status updates

In December 2011, the City began the process of developing a greenhouse gas inventory and forecast. The year 2008 was identified as the baseline year due to having the most complete data. For 2008, Santa Ana generated 1,959,431 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2) emissions; 5.47 MTCO2e per capita, the statewide average is 13 MTCO2e. Santa Ana is already demonstrating leadership in reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

The City received input from the Community, Stakeholders, City Committees/Commissions, and Staff Steering Committee to determine the best emissions reduction measures. The Climate Action Plan measures are listed in each of the following sectors:

  • Transportation and Land Use
  • Energy
  • Solid Waste, Water, and Wastewater

The emissions reduction targets for the forecast years of 2020 and 2035 took into consideration the projected impact of existing City measures, State regulations, and proposed measures. On May 6, 2014, the City Council approved emissions reduction targets for forecast years:

  • 15% below 2008 by 2020
  • 30% below 2008 levels by 2035

Below are the formal documents that support the Climate Action Plan process.

Climate Action Plan: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecasts

Summary of the Energy Savings Analysis

Energy Savings Analysis

  • Appendix A - 2008 Community wide and Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Business-as-Usual Forecasts for 2020 and 2035
  • Appendix B - Report on Emissions Reductions from Existing Measures

Emissions Reduction Targets for the Forecast Years

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