Presidents Day observance on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping

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Permit parking

Program overview

Permit Parking SignTo help provide adequate on-street parking for residents, the City of Santa Ana's parking permit program establishes permit parking districts in residential areas and issues parking permits to allow only those vehicles with parking permits to park on the streets in that permit parking district.

What is the purpose of permit parking?

The purpose of residential permit parking is to enhance the quality of life in the residential neighborhoods by reducing noise, parking congestion, traffic hazards and illegal activities. This is accomplished by limiting the number of street parked vehicles on a residential block within a permit parking district. Every effort is made to achieve this purpose with minimum impact on adjacent commercial establishments, residences, and institutions.

What is a permit parking district?

A permit parking district is a geographic area of the City established by resolution by the City Council. The resolution designates the boundaries of the permit-parking district, specifies the parking limitations that apply within the district and the parking permit qualification process.

How does a block qualify?

After a need for permit parking has been investigated and confirmed by the City, or an interest form is requested and fulfilled, permit parking may be put in on a block-by-block basis through a City supplied petition. For a petition to pass, at least 66% of the affected residential property owners must indicate their support for permit parking on their block. The City will determine the adequacy of the petition in accordance with the City Code. Ineligible properties typically do not have the permit parking restriction placed along their frontage.

Who is eligible for permits?

Residents are typically eligible for permits if they live on a qualifying block and in either of the following:

  1. Single-family homes: Up to three parking permits. 75 guest permits per year, per home.
  2. Multi-family family homes with two to four units per parcel: 1 parking permit maximum per dwelling unit and no guest permits.

How do I obtain permits?

  1. The Public Works Agency requires eligible residents to provide legible photocopies of the following documents before permits are issued, all documents must match the eligible address and name on drivers license:

a)    Valid driver's license (not expired).
b)    Proof of address: grant deed, lease agreement or most current utility bill (gas, water or electric).
c)    Vehicle registration (not expired) of each vehicle. If the vehicle is leased, then provide a copy of the lease instead of vehicle registration.
• If the vehicle is a company vehicle, then each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Resident and guest parking permits expire every two years on a common date within each parking district.
  2. Residents are responsible for the renewal of their parking permits prior to expiration.
  3. Each permit also has a unique identification number and has the license plate number of the vehicle written on it.
  4. Before vehicles with permits are sold, residents are to remove and return the permit or provide a DMV stamped release of liability in order to purchase a new permit for another vehicle. OTHERWISE, DMV records will have to be checked through the Santa Ana Police Department. This process may take several days from the permit application.
  5. Resident parking permit must be affixed to either the left side of rear bumper or lower left corner of the rear window of the vehicle for which it was issued.
  6. Guest parking permits must be filled in ink by the resident and placed on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Each guest permit is valid until noon the following day. Each guest permit can only be used once and the date may NOT be changed. Not every district has guest permits. Only residents of single family homes are eligible for guest permits.
  7. Resident parking permits are $85.00 each for up to 2 years. (subject to change every fiscal year).
  8. Permits are only required for street parked vehicles.
  9. Permits are needed during holidays and city wide garage sale events.

Where can I apply for permits?

Eligible residents may apply for parking permits between 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and every other Friday at the following address:

City of Santa Ana
Public Works Agency, M-43
20 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Appointments are recommended. To begin scheduling your appointment please visit Or you may request your permits by mail. If so, please send the required photocopies with a check payable to the City of Santa Ana to address shown above. Please include a brief note with your name and contact information

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to know if you are eligible for a permit, please contact Traffic Engineering:

Parking Permit
Phone: (714) 647-5623
Address: 20 Civic Center Plaza M-43, Santa Ana, CA 92702

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Alternating Fridays: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED

Parking Enforcement
Phone: (714) 834-4211

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