
Anaheim Ducks partner booth image
AASCSC partnership booth image
Chevrolet partner booth image

All partnership levels allow for in-kind and financial contributions.

In-kind contributions can be provided in the form of services, donations, and items that provide an overall community benefit to City events and programs. The City’s Special Events team will collaboratively discuss details of the proposed contributions on a case-by-case basis to ensure they meet event needs.

Involvement Levels

Partners have the option to choose from three involvement levels. The foundation, headline, and title levels.  Amounts for each level differ based on price point, event classification, and benefits.

Foundation level

Per event basis Benefits or Annual Basis Benefits
Standard event:

$1,000 -$3,999


Premium Event: $5,000 -$9,999

• Physical booth at event and stage mention
• Day-of social media acknowledgement in form of a story on @santaanaparks
• Social media acknowledgment in caption of recap event post on @santaanaparks
Includes five standard events and one premium event:

$10,000 - $14,999

• All per event items for each of the 6 events
• Logo placement on City’s website under annual events page for duration of year
• Ability to participate in additional program services at Recreation Centers for duration of year

Headline Level

Per event basis Benefits or Annual Basis Benefits
Standard event: $4,000 -$9,999


Premium event: $10,000 -$14,999

• All above items per event plus
• Designated event component assigned to your organization to manage and bring additional value
• On-site signage with organization’s logo, for display at the organization’s assigned event component
• Social media acknowledgement announcing the designated event component brought to you by “your organization”
Includes five standard events and one premium event:

$15,000 - $24,999


• All per event items for each of the 6 events
• Logo placement on City’s website under annual events page for duration of year
• Ability to participate in additional program services at Recreation Centers for duration of year
• Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission (PRCSC) recognition

Title Level

Per event basis Benefits or Annual Basis Benefits
Standard event: $10,000+


Premium event: $15,000+

• All above items per event plus
• Organization listed on marketing materials, with logo placement, as a named partner of the event (fliers, posters, banners, etc.)
• Involvement as a collaborative partner in event planning and logistics
• Logo placement on City’s website within the specific event subpage
• Partnership recognition on City issued press releases
Includes five standard events and one premium event:


• All per event items for each of the 6 events
• Logo placement on City’s website under annual events page for duration of year
• Ability to participate in additional program services at Recreation Centers  for duration of year
• City Council and Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission (PRCSC) recognition

Examples of in-kind contributions (value will be assessed prior to event date)

  • Food and beverage
  • SWAG items with added City of Santa Ana logo
  • Providing staff/ volunteers on the day of the event
  • Event components (inflatables, arts, crafts station, etc.)
  • Entertainment (face painters, balloon artists, DJs, games, etc.)
  • Event specific items (Easter eggs, decorations, balloon arches, photo booths, etc.)

Full partnership / sponsorship deck available here

For any questions or inquiries please contact the Community Engagement team at or (714) 571-4207.


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