Warner Redhill Mixed-Use Development (Formerly known as The Bowery)
Updated: September 10th, 2024
Project Address: 2300 S Red Hill Avenue
As of August 12 2020, the project was renamed to Warner Redhill Mixed Use Development.
Assigned Planner: Jerry C. Guevara, AICP — Senior Planner
Phone: (714) 647-5481
E-mail: JGuevara@santa-ana.org
Project Description
Arrimus Capital, “Applicant”, has submitted an application to redevelop an existing 14.58-acre industrial site currently developed with 3 large-scale industrial, warehousing, office buildings total 212,121 square feet, associated parking areas, and landscaping. The proposed project will demolish the 3 industrial buildings and remove all of the existing improvements, including the landscaping, pavement and parking lot and would redevelop of the entire site with 1,100 multi-family residential units and up to 80,000 square feet of commercial retail and restaurant space. The development would consist of three mixed-use buildings that would be 6-stories in height and one residential building that would be 5-stories in height. Each of these buildings would have an adjacent parking structure. Two parking structures would provide 7-levels of above ground parking and two parking structures would provide 6-levels of above ground parking. In addition, the Project would develop two one-story retail/restaurant commercial buildings and a surface parking lot along Redhill Avenue. The main vehicular access to the project site and parking facilities would be from two driveways on Warner Avenue and one driveway on Redhill Avenue.
The Project would provide open space and recreation amenities for residents that would include 5.75 acres of exterior open space recreation area, open space plazas, courtyards, and roof decks, as well as interior amenities and private residential areas.
The project site currently has a General Plan Land Use designation of Professional & Administrative Office (PAO) and is zoned Light Industrial (M-1). Implementation of the proposed project would require a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation to District Center (DC) and an Amendment Application (AA) zone change to a designation of Specific Development (SD), allowing the proposed mixed-uses.
Current Status
- Under Construction
- Building "A" is completed. The parking structure is completed.
- Building "B" is 98% complete. The parking structure is 98% complete.
- Building "C" is 60% complete. The parking structure is 90% complete.
- Building "D" is 40% complete. The parking structure is 90% complete.
- Building "E" is 75% complete.
Important Documents
- Notice of Preparation (NOP) - Filed July 30, 2019; Revised August 5, 2019
- Notice of Availability of an Environmental Impact Report
- Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR):
- Draft EIR (without technical appendices)
- Combined technical appendices
- Final EIR
- Without technical appendices
- With technical appendices
- Notice of Completion
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
- Final Traffic Impact Analysis
Past Meetings
- City Council Public Hearing – September 15, 2020
- City Council Public Hearing – September 1, 2020
- City Council Public Hearing – August 18, 2020
- City Council Public Hearing – June 16, 2020
- Planning Commission Public Hearing – May 26, 2020
- Agenda
- Staff Report
- Airport Land Use Commission Public Hearing – May 21, 2020
- Planning Commission Public Hearing – May 11, 2020
- Planning Commission Work Study Session – February 10, 2020
- Sunshine Ordinance Meeting - Monday, April 15, 2019, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Spoons Grill & Bar located at 2601 Hotel Terrace
Full Project Plans
- Please click here to view full project plans on the August 18, 2020 City Council meeting agenda.