5th and Harbor 45-Unit Townhome Development

Updated: June 4th, 2024

Project Address: 510 and 520 N. Harbor Blvd.


Assigned Planner: Nancy Tran — Senior Planner

Phone: (714) 667-2740

E-mail: NTran5@santa-ana.org

Project Description

The applicant proposes to demolish an existing auto sales building and construct 45 for-sale townhouse units in nine buildings. The development proposes five (5) affordable units at the moderate-income level to be built on-site. The application is submitted as an SB 330 and seeks waivers and incentives/concessions. The project requires a lot merger and vesting tentative tract map for condominium purposes and a State Density Bonus Agreement for 24 du/ac.

Current Status

  • Development Project Review


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Proposed Site Plan

Site Plan

5th & Harbor Street View














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