Related California Bristol Specific Plan

Updated: May 14th, 2024

Related California Bristol SP

Project Address: 3600 South Bristol Street

Assigned Planner: Ali Pezeshkpour, AICP — Planning Manager

Phone: (714) 647-5882


Project Description

The applicant proposes a specific plan for a 42-acre site to allow up to 3,750 residential units, up to 350,000 square feet of commercial space, 250 hotel rooms, and 200 senior care units, including 6,520 onsite parking spaces, and 13.1 acres of onsite open space. The site is bounded by Bristol Street to the east, Plaza Drive to the west, Sunflower Avenue to the south, and MacArthur Boulevard to the north. The project requires discretionary approval of a tentative tract map, amendment application (zone change) for a specific plan, development agreement, and inclusionary housing plan. Additional environmental review will also be required.

Current Status

  • Development Project Review

Draft Related California Bristol Specific Plan

Environmental documents

Draft Environmental Impact Report


Important documents


Upcoming meetings

  • CANCELLED — February 5th, 2024 Planning Commission Special Meeting

Past meetings

  • First Sunshine Ordinance community meeting on Wednesday, September 7 (see flyer above for more information)
  • Second Sunshine Ordinance Community Meeting (see flyer above for more information)
  • Planning Commission work study session on March 13, 2023
  • Environmental Impact Report Scoping Meeting, Thursday, March 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the McFadden Institute of Technology, 2701 S. Raitt Street, Santa Ana.
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