Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Informational Videos

Residents, businesses, and development FAQs:

Yes, all window replacements on existing structures require a building permit. To obtain a window replacement permit you will need to provide all of the items listed on the window replacement checklist.

Yes, a temporary sign permit is required to display a banner sign. To obtain a permit, you must complete a temporary banner sign permit application, submit it to the Planning Division for review, and pay the respective fee. The sign must be designed in accordance with all applicable temporary banner sign standards, which can be found on the application.

Yes, temporary events in the parking lot of a commercial center, such as a promotional event or sale, require issuance of a land use certificate (LUC). To obtain an LUC, you must complete the required application and submit it along with the submittal requirements listed on the application and pay the respective fee.

Before moving forward with having your sign made, you must first submit plans and an application for a sign permit. Obtaining the sign permit is a two-step process, which starts by submitting an application and plans to the Planning Division for review.

It is best to visit the Planning Counter first, as the counter staff can provide detailed information about the City’s zoning and General Plan requirements.  You can make an appointment through the Planning and Building Agency’s webpage. Another options is to call the Planning Counter at (714) 647-5804 or you can email the Planning Division at

Informational videos

The City of Santa Ana Planning Division produced the following instructional videos about a range of planning topics and questions to assist you in understanding common application processes and code requirements.

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