Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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Pay-to-Stay Program

We recognize the impact a court-ordered commitment has on families and careers. The Santa Ana Jail's Pay-to-Stay Program provides options to assist individuals in these situations.

Program overview

Serving a commitment in jail is a highly disruptive experience and can negatively affect a person’s career and their ability to provide for their family. This can be especially true for small business owners, commission-based workers and sole income earners. Working with the courts, the Santa Ana Jail provides options to traditional incarceration that help address these concerns.

The Pay-to-Stay Program is for eligible individuals interested in serving their commitments over a series of weekends, or for those seeking a work-release program. These options provide the opportunity for the individual to preserve their employment and maintain family support obligations while completing their court-ordered commitment.

General information and qualifying criteria

We're available to assist its residents and workforce to serve certain commitments in a manner that best addresses their individual needs. All applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Court approval is required.
  • Applicants should be in good overall health and free from acute medical conditions. Most prescription medications are acceptable.

There are no residency restrictions to participate in the program. Most misdemeanors and some felony commitments are eligible, although not all charges will qualify for the program. There is no fee to apply or to determine eligibility. A program administrator is available to discuss your specific situation and will provide additional information regarding the program.

Application process

  • Applicants must contact the Santa Ana Jail Pay-to-Stay program administrator at (714) 245-8113, either directly or through their legal representative. Based on the applicant’s specific situation the program administrator will be determine eligibility, explain program requirements and calculate program costs.
  • The program administrator will provide a letter of eligibility for presentation to the court, if requested.
  • Following the court’s approval the program administrator will work with the applicant to arrange a payment schedule, work-release periods (if applicable) and execute a program contract.
  • The court is directly notified upon the participant’s successful completion of the program.

Email all documents to the Pay-to-Stay Coordinator:


  • There is no fee to apply or to obtain a letter of eligibility.
  • Requesting a letter of eligibility does not obligate program participation.
  • The first day of incarceration (administrative fees included) is $164.00.
  • Each subsequent day of incarceration is $134.00.
  • Program fees are paid in advance according to a predetermined schedule. Maximum payment frequency is every two weeks.
  • Fee payments may be in cash only.

Additional information

  • Consumption of alcohol is prohibited at all times, including work-release periods.
  • A medical screening may be required in certain circumstances.


Santa Ana Police Department - Jail Bureau
Pay to Stay Program Administrator
(714) 245-8113

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