Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Parking enforcement

Pay your parking tickets online
To pay by any major credit card, debit card or by check, call:
(800) 989-2058

Pay your parking tickets my mail

Mail parking ticket payments to this address:

City of Santa Ana
c/o Citation Processing Center
P.O. Box 10479
Newport Beach, CA 92658-0479

Call us

Phone: (800) 989-2058

The Parking Enforcement Unit handles a variety of parking related issues, complaints, and also writes parking citations to illegally parked vehicles.

Parking Enforcement is responsible for the removal of abandoned vehicles on public streets, enforcing parking violations: expired meters, parking permit districts, and street sweeping.  They also assist with traffic control, verify temporary “NO PARKING” signs, and handle other related duties.   For more information, call (714) 245-8225.

Abandoned vehicles

The following information is needed to report an abandoned vehicle(s):

  • Location of the vehicle: address and/or cross streets
  • Type of vehicle: make, model, and color
  • The license plate number: clearly state the numbers and the state

To report an abandoned vehicle(s) on a public street, alley, city lot, etc., call Parking Control at (714) 245-8225

Inoperable vehicles

To report an inoperable vehicle(s) on a private street, private property, yard, etc., call Code Enforcement at (714) 667-2780.


Parking citations (tickets and appeals)

  • If you wish to contest a parking citation online please go to or contact the Citation Processing Center at (800) 989-2058. A review must be made within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation
  • If you wish to obtain a copy of your parking citation, contact the Citation Processing Center at (800) 989-2058
  • If you wish to pay your parking citation, you can do so by mail, in person, or online with any major credit card, debit card, or by check.  Make your check or money order payable to the City of Santa Ana and write the license plate number on your check or money order

Request for parking permits and parking permit district

Parking permits and parking permit districts are issued through Public Works, Traffic Engineering; you may contact them at (714) 647-5623.

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