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Rules of Conduct

Rules of Conduct Policy

The Santa Ana Public Library seeks to provide its patrons with a safe and pleasant Library experience in an atmosphere conducive to study, reading, and learning. The following rules of conduct are designed to protect the rights, and ensure the safety of Library patrons and staff and to preserve Library materials, equipment and facilities. These Rules of Conduct apply to the Main Library, Newhope Library, and TeenTime Program at the Garfield Community Center and El Salvador Center.


Failure to comply with these Rules of Conduct may result in expulsion from a Library program or facility, suspension of Library privileges, arrest, and/or prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Repeated refusal to follow a verbal warning may result in the loss of library access for a period of time as determined by the Library Director. The Library has the right to seek monetary restitution for any damage to Library property or any other damages incurred as a result of enforcement of the Rules of Conduct.

Santa Ana Municipal Code § 2-602.1
Any person who comes into any public Library or onto the Library's immediate adjacent grounds, including but not limited to the patio and parking areas, and whose presence or acts interfere with the purpose and peaceful conduct of the activities of such Library or disrupts the Library or its facilities or its staff or its patrons or its activities is guilty of a misdemeanor if he or she remains there after being asked to leave the Library by the Library Director or his designated representative.


Fifth grade and/or younger children must be accompanied by a parent, caretaker, guardian, and/or an older companion (9th grade and above) while in the Library. Sixth graders and above may be in the Library unaccompanied by a parent, caretaker, guardian, or older companion. For the protection of minors, adults not accompanied by a child in the Children’s Library or TeenSpace will be asked to leave the room, unless they are actively consulting library staff about resources, volunteering or selecting materials for children.

Library cards

Library cards are not transferrable. Using another person’s Library card to place holds, check-out materials, or use a computer is prohibited.

Prohibted conduct

Alcohol and illegal drugs: Ingesting or being under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs including, but not limited to, drinking alcohol, consuming marijuana or marijuana products and/or injecting drugs.

Animals: Animals are not allowed, EXCEPT, for service animals individually trained to perform tasks for a person with a disability in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). No other animals are permitted.

Beverages: Open containers of beverages are not allowed, e.g., open cans, cups without lids, etc. All drinks must be in a closed container. To prevent accidental damage to electronic equipment, no drinks are allowed while using computers or other library electronic devices.

Cell phones: Keep cell phone conversations brief and in a manner that does not disrupt others. Library and security staff will direct patrons to take their call outside, if the conversation reaches a noise level that a reasonable person would find disruptive.

Clothes and Footwear: Clothing covering the upper and lower body and shoes are required at all times in the library.

Food: Food is not allowed in the library unless it is part of a library program.

Furniture and Property: Use the library’s facilities, materials and furnishings as intended. Do not monopolize the space of others by using additional chairs, tables, etc. for your personal use.

Harassment: Patrons shall not harass or annoy others through noisy or boisterous activities, by following another person about the library, by playing audio equipment so that others can hear it, by singing or talking loudly, by using profanity, loud abusive, threatening language or by behaving in a manner that a reasonable person would find to be disruptive.

Health and Hygiene: Open sores or wounds must be wrapped or bandaged before entering the library. Performing hygiene activities (e.g., combing hair, cutting fingernails/toe nails etc.) are not allowed in any public space. Defecating or urinating on Library property, other than a restroom, is prohibited.

Large Objects: Personal items must not take up seating or space needed by others nor block or interrupt the flow of traffic, especially at entrance areas, aisles, doorway, stairway, elevators, etc. Objects must fit upright under tables or chairs.

Littering: Littering including but not limited to, discarding trash in places other than designated trash cans and leaving or discarding needles; vandalizing equipment or facilities, destroying, defacing library materials, and any behavior or action that is a violation of federal, state, local or any other applicable law.

Offensive Odors: Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other persons shall be required to leave the building.

Restrooms: Using public restrooms for purposes other than intended, including but not limited to bathing, shaving, doing laundry, is prohibited.

Personal Possessions: The Library does not assume liability for any personal property brought into the premises and does not provide storage of personal property.

Photography or Recording: Photography or audio/video recording for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Security Gates: Visitors must pass through the library security gates when entering/leaving the library. All backpacks , book bags, purses, etc., are subject to inspection if the security alarm goes off.

Selling: Selling any items, unless it is part of an approved library program, panhandling or soliciting money from patrons of the library or library staff.

Sexual Misconduct: Patrons are prohibited from engaging in sexual misconduct or harassment, indecent exposure, explicit public displays of affection, viewing or printing illegal materials such as child pornography and other similar actions.

Sleeping: Sleeping on library property is prohibited.

Smoking: Smoking of any type or using /displaying tobacco products, marijuana, vapor/vape pens or ecigarette products in the library or on library property within 20 feet of an entrance is not allowed.

Trespassing: Including, but not limited to, unauthorized presence in areas designated as private or for staff only and/or entering or remaining inside library facilities before or after posted hours of operation.

Unattended Items: Unattended items that prevent other patrons or staff from using library space, furniture, electrical outlets, or equipment, will be removed by library or security staff. Library patrons must keep personal belongings with them at all times. Unclaimed items left in the library may be discarded or otherwise disposed of in accordance with City policies.

Weapons and Other Devices: Possession of a weapon, including but not limited to a firearm, is not allowed inside the library (except law enforcement or individuals licensed to carry a firearm in accordance with federal or state law). The use of incendiary devices, such as candles, matches, and lighters, is prohibited inside the library.

Wheeled Objects: Shopping carts, bicycles, and similar wheeled items are not permitted inside the library (Exception: wheelchairs, strollers with infants, and walkers.) Riding skateboards, scooters, or other mobile device is not allowed.

The Library reserves the right to amend these regulations from time to time.

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