Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Lost and Unattended Items Policy

The Santa Ana Public Library is not responsible for the security of items brought into any library facility. All unclaimed or found items turned into the staff will be placed in the Lost and Found area located at the Circulation Desk.

To claim a lost item, the patron must satisfactorily describe it to library staff and state when the item was likely left in the Library.

As a courtesy to our patrons, library staff will make a reasonable attempt to determine and contact the rightful owner of the lost property if said property contains sufficient identifying information.

  • Perishable, personal care, unsanitary and hazardous items will be disposed of immediately.
  • Most unclaimed items will be kept at the Library for a maximum of two weeks. Items that are not claimed after two weeks will be disposed of or donated.
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