In observance of Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 17, 2025, Santa Ana City Hall, libraries, community centers and the Santa Ana Work Center are closed. Street sweeping is canceled on Feb. 17. Trash and recycling will be collected on their regular schedule. Police, fire and emergency services will operate normally. Call 911 for emergencies. Go...
Take time to learn about a new culture and connect through language, activities and snacks! This month we will explore the culture and geography of Thailand! Open to teens. View a flyer or contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. ¡Toma tiempo para aprender sobre una cultura extranjera y conectarte a través del idioma, actividades y refrigerios! ¡Este...
Teens are invited to participate in our weekly Teen Leadership Committee meeting! Help shape the programs and activities we offer, get to know other teens, build leadership skills, and earn volunteer hours. Contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. ¡Los adolescentes están invitados a participar en nuestra reunión semanal del Comité de Liderazgo de Adolescentes! Ayude a...
Your Friday night just got more interesting! Play. Win. Snack. Socialize! This session, we will play Nintendo Switch Sports. Open to teens. View a flyer or contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. ¡Tu viernes por la noche se volvió más interesante! Juga. Gana. Come bocadillos. ¡Socializa y convive! Este mes jugaremos Nintendo Switch Sports. Abierto a adolescentes....
Make a craft while you watch a movie. Make a project in celebration of Black history. Watch Summer of Soul (2021), rated PG. View a flyer or contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. Haz una manualidad mientras ves una película. Haz un proyecto en celebración de la historia afroamericana. Mira Summer of Soul (2021), clasificada PG. Se...
Teens are invited to participate in our weekly Teen Leadership Committee meeting! Help shape the programs and activities we offer, get to know other teens, build leadership skills, and earn volunteer hours. Contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. ¡Los adolescentes están invitados a participar en nuestra reunión semanal del Comité de Liderazgo de Adolescentes! Ayude a...