Revive Santa Ana Library Programs

Technology skills and digital literacy education

The Santa Ana Public Library is excited to present nine programming initiatives focusing on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) learning to support youth and their families in developing skills to live, learn, and work in a technologically advanced society. Staff-led programs will be delivered in the Library and throughout the community via the library’s “Knowledge-Mobile.” These programs will increase physical access to cutting-edge tools, improve and enhance early childhood development and literacy, support positive educational outcomes for youth, and prepare our community’s present and future workforce.


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Technology workshops offer equitable access to free digital literacy classes, improve job skills for future employment, and narrow the digital divide.

A unique collection of non-traditional items such as electronics, toys, games, science kits, musical instruments and more.

Tools, equipment, and software that assist and enhance communication and interaction with technology.

The Play & Learn Child Initiative fosters early learning of math and science, school readiness, and literacy-building skills.

Special equipment and workshops aim to stimulate interest and development in the fields of robotic engineering, math, and computer coding.

Programs using robots for assistive learning and behavioral support for youth on the Spectrum.

Hands-on activities where we take Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math to an extreme!.

Provides teens and tweens the space, equipment, and activities to express creativity, strengthen science skills, and prepare for their career of choice.

Offers access to a wide range of equipment, professional applications, and STEAM related activities at the Newhope Library.

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