Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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Oversight Board

The Oversight Board has fiduciary responsibilities to holders of enforceable obligations and to the taxing entities that benefit from distribution of property tax and other revenue {California Health & Safety Code Section 34179 (a) (10) (i)}.

As of June 30, 2018, the Orange County Auditor Controller is overseeing this function.


Assembly Bill X1 26 (ABX1 26) gives the Oversight Board authority over the former Redevelopment Agency's financial affairs. In addition to approving the Successor Agency's administrative budget, the Oversight Board adopts the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) - the central document that identifies the financial obligations of the former redevelopment agency that the Successor Agency may pay over the next six months and subsequent six-month periods. Most actions of an Oversight Board are subject to review by the State Department of Finance (DOF.)


The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Ana (Agency) is dissolved as of February 1, 2012, per Assembly Bill X1 26 (AB 26). The City of Santa Ana, serving as the successor agency, has assumed the former Agency's assets, rights, and obligations under the California Community Redevelopment Law, subject to some limitations, and is winding down the former Agency's affairs and taking other actions in accordance with the dissolution provisions in Part 1.85 of AB 26. This website remains intact for historical reference purposes.

Since the City’s first Redevelopment Project Area, Central City (Downtown), was adopted in 1973 (and subsequently expanded in 1975) tremendous strides have been made throughout the city in creating new business opportunities (Economic Development), developing new venues for visual and performing arts, renovating commercial and industrial areas, enhancing residential neighborhoods through a variety of affordable housing programs, building new schools,  as well as upgrading infrastructure and roads.

Over 5,000 acres of the city are located within six redevelopment project areas.  These areas are Central City, Inter City, North Harbor, South Harbor, South Main, and Bristol Corridor.  The Bristol Corridor Project Area was adopted in 1989, while the preceding four areas were adopted in 1982.  The Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency successfully achieved its intended purpose in these areas, which was to act as a catalyst for new private investment.

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