Red flag warning and smoke advisory in effect

See updates on impacts in Santa Ana here.

Help for businesses with homeless related issues

If you are an owner or operator of a business or commercial property and have concerns regarding issues of unwanted persons or criminal activity on your property, there are resources available to help you in addressing your issues successfully. In addition, many nuisance or criminal activities can be prevented by owners taking a proactive approach to protecting private properties.

Helpful phone numbers and websites

  • No Trespassing program: Property owners can sign the Limited Authorization for Arrest form to allow police officers to go onto property to enforce trespassing laws.
  • Santa Ana Code Enforcement: (714) 667-2780
  • Santa Ana Public Works: (714) 647-3380
  • Santa Ana Police Department (non-emergency): (714) 834-4211
  • Santa Ana City Hall: (714) 647-5400
  • Graffiti Hotline: (877) 786-7824
  • Flood channels: For illegal encampments, graffiti, trash, debris, or damaged fencing along the County flood channels, contact Orange County Public Works at (714) 955-0200.
  • Railroad tracks: For issues along Union Pacific railroad tracks, contact 1-888-UPRR-COP (877-7267) or
  • Freeway off-ramps and CalTrans property: For assistance with encampments and trash by freeway underpasses and off-ramps go to CalTrans' website.

Tips to protect your property

  • Post “No Trespassing” signs on your property.
  • Secure trash and outside storage sheds or containers.
  • Reduce foliage that may be used as hiding places.
  • Ensure adequate lighting, especially in/around potential hiding places.
  • Increase presence or implement private security measures.
  • Do not feed or give money to non-patrons.
  • Do not leave empty cardboard boxes where they are publicly accessible.
  • Do not permit anyone to camp or loiter on your
  • Do not allow anyone to store shopping carts, bedding, or other personal belongings on your
  • Restrict access to sidewalk overhangs, alcoves, or other areas protected from inclement weather.
  • Lock or remove handles from water spigots.
  • Lock or turn off exterior power outlets.
  • Lock gates after hours.
  • Install motion-activated exterior lighting.

Report an Issue

To report a concern about homelessness, such as abandoned property on City right-of-way, download the MySantaAna app to report the issue directly from your mobile device.

For general questions, call our Homeless Hotline at (714) 647-5341 or email

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