Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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Santa Ana Navigation Center

For referrals into the Navigation Center, please contact City Net: 714-242-3706 or the City of Santa Ana Homeless Hotline : 714-647-5341

The Navigation Center opened in June 2022 as a 24-hour shelter that serves Santa Ana residents.  The site includes a commercial kitchen, men's, women's and family dorms, offices for case management and medical services and an outdoor area for participants and their pets. All guests are transported in and out of the shelter, as no walk-in traffic is allowed. During their stay, guests are offered a robust package of supportive services to transition to permanent housing and to cope with underlying issues causing them to cycle through the system. Illumination Foundation, the selected operator of the shelter, partners with Clarke Lew Medical Corp to provide medical and mental healthcare services, exclusive of substance use counseling for clients onsite at the shelter.

A person's path from homelessness to self-sufficiency typically, not always, follows these sequence of events. From homeless, the first step begins with outreach and a referral into the Santa Ana Navigation Center. Referral's into the Navigation Center may be requested by contacting the Santa Ana Homeless Services Division, or CityNet. Once at the shelter, an individual begins working with a housing navigator for a referral into different housing opportunities, thus kickstarting an individual or family's path towards self-sufficiency.

The Santa Ana Navigation Center allows those with ties to Santa Ana who may be experiencing homelessness to focus on transitioning into permanent housing and employment opportunities. Click below to watch a virtual tour of our Navigation Center.

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