Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP)

The City of Santa Ana receives State of California, HHAP funding from the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (CAL ICH). Funds support regional coordination and expand/develop local capacity to address the immediate homeless challenges in our community. The City of Santa Ana is utilizing HHAP funding for the following eligible expenditure activities:

  • Outreach and Coordination
  • Delivery of Permanent Housing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Services Coordination
  • Navigation Center and Temporary Emergency Shelters
  • Construction and Operation of the Santa Ana Navigation Center
    • Utilities, insurance, property tax
  • Administrative Costs

Santa Ana has received four rounds of the HHAP grant and is in the application process for the fifth round.

Grant Grant Award  Percentage Remaining 100% Expenditure deadline
HHAP1 $8,422,162.84 2% June 2025
HHAP2 $3,981,386 3% June 2026
HHAP3 $10,290,351.69 9% June 2026
HHAP4 $5,092,955 100% December 2027

Click here to learn more about the HHAP program.

Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA)

The City of Santa Ana receives State PLHA funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (CA HCD). PLHA provides for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing unmet housing needs of our community. Expenditures under The City of Santa Ana's 5-year plan have allocated the following:

Santa Ana has received three rounds of PLHA.

Grant Grant Award Percentage Remaining 100% Expenditure deadline
PLHA1 $2,803,706 1% August 2025
PLHA2 $4,357,828 0% March 2027
PLHA3 $4,795,654 0% October 2027

Click here to learn more about the PLHA grant program.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The City of Santa Ana receives Federal ESG funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually on a formula basis to engage with homeless individuals living on the street, rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, help operate and provide essential services in emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families, and prevent individuals from becoming homeless. ESG grant funds are used for:

  • Street Outreach
  • Emergency Shelter Operations and Essential Services
  • Homeless Prevention
  • Rapid Rehousing
  • HMIS Data Collection
  • Administrative
Grant Grant Award  Percentage Remaining 100% Expenditure deadline
FY22-23 ESG  $474,154 27% June 30, 2024

Click here to learn more about the ESG grant program.

Emergency Solutions Grant COVID (ESG-CV)

The City of Santa Ana received Federal ESG-CV funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address coronavirus responses during the pandemic.  Funds were used to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of becoming homeless. ESG-CV grant funds were used for:

  • Navigation Center Operation Costs
  • Temporary Emergency Shelter
  • Landlord engagement, housing navigation and case management
  • Homeless prevention/eviction prevention for very-low income families

Santa Ana Homeless Services has been allocated a percentage of ESG-CV funding to costs associated with the Santa Ana Navigation Center.

Grant Grant Award  Percentage Remaining 100% Expenditure deadline
ESG-CV $13,328,845 0% September 30, 2023

Click here to learn more about the ESG-CV grant program.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The City of Santa Ana received ARPA funding after the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City’s Revive Santa Ana plan allocated a portion of ARPA funding towards Rapid Response Homeless Services.  Eligible uses of ARPA Rapid Response Homeless Services include

  • Outreach and Coordination
Grant Grant Award Percentage Remaining 100% Expenditure deadline
ARPA $3,135,000 0% December 31, 2026

Click here to learn more about the ARPA grant program.

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