Presidents Day observance on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping

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Building Inspection

Select Which Inspection You Want To Schedule

Welcome to Inspection Services!  Our inspectors perform construction inspections at specified progress benchmarks on a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and residential structures.

General Information

To request an inspection, call (714) 667-2738 or schedule your inspection online. Before scheduling an inspection, please have the following information ready:

  • Permit and Pin numbers (Pin number is located at the top right corner of your permit, under the permit number)
  • Complete address, include suite numbers
  • Type of inspection: structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical
  • Inspection Code (located on your job card)
  • The date you want the inspection
  • Any special instructions for the inspector (optional)

To cancel an inspection, call the Building Safety Division at (714) 647-5853 before 8:30 am on the day of your scheduled inspection.

The inspector signs the Job Card at the job site. When the inspector returns to the office at the end of the day, the inspection results are entered into the City’s permit database. You can check your inspection results online.

If your requested inspection is not approved, the inspector will write a Correction Notice. The notice will identify the items that need to be corrected. After corrections have been completed, you will need to re-schedule a follow-up inspection.

In continuing with best practices recommended by the CDC, the Building Safety Division is using caution to provide essential services for the construction industry. Building inspections have continued while adhering to the social distancing protocols. Inspections may be performed on-site or by an interactive video call. The Building Safety Division encourages you to schedule inspections. Please refer to the Remote Video Inspection guidelines for more information.

These inspections focus on structural components such as: life safety elements, energy conservation, disabled accessibility, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems.  The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that contractors and owner-builders construct their projects in a manner consistent with the approved construction plans and state adopted codes and standards.

Prior to commencing any work, the city shall have received a list of valid subcontractors.  Once you receive your building permit, you will receive a job card which lists the various inspections in chronological order. The job card also indicates the inspection code numbers needed when using our online inspection scheduler or when calling in for an inspection.

The purpose of this system is to provide contractors, homeowners, and business owners a convenient method to schedule, re-schedule, cancel, and view Building and Occupancy Inspections online.

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