Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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Critical Infrastructure

Broadband Internet Access - $14,000

  • A study that determined the existing availability of internet access in the City and the reasons for lack of use by residents and businesses.

Community Center Renovations - $10,500,000

  • Project included complete replacement of roof and heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Salgado Center to allow for better air flow to the facility to mitigate spread of Covid-19.
  • Complete rebuild at Santa Anita community center.

Davis Safe Routes to School - $2,114,025

  • This project will provide physical improvements to the built environment to enhance pedestrian traffic safety and promote walkability. Main activities will include but not be limited to installing the following improvements: bulbouts, wheelchair ramps, and sidewalk.

Expand Library Accessibility and New Library Branch - $6,000,000

  • Design and build an "outdoor library" at Jerome Park featuring learning experiences that will advance equity, access, and provide support for disproportionately impacted, underserved Santa Ana communities. The space will feature an Envisionware 24-Hour Library kiosk that will enable patrons to check out and return materials, place and pick up holds, download audio and e-books, browse the catalog, all while visiting the park. The kiosk will be located under a custom canopy/enclosure that is lockable during overnight hours and will feature a Wi-Fi hotspot and a security monitoring system. The entire area will be upgraded to have the feel and look of an outdoor library that includes reading, activity and play areas for multigenerational learning, or connecting with other families in the community. Emphasis will potentially focus on music and movement, recycling, water-wise landscaping, bicycle and street safety, fine and gross motor skills, and of course language and literacy.
  • Create new library branch at the Delhi Center

Information Technology & Process Improvements - $2,000,000

  • Various IT projects to assist the public negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including new computers for the WORK Center.

Logan/Chepa's Park Master Plan - $600,000

  • Project involves first a master planning exercise of the entire park, along with a new community center.

Memorial Park & Aquatics Facility Renovation - $6,425,327

  • Project involves first a master planning exercise of the east end of Memorial Park (east of the ballfields, to Flower St), considering a new Aquatics Facility (new aquatics center, swimming pool, pool equipment room) and surrounding site features. Community Outreach will be conducted to help develop the site master concept plan. Once this is completed, Contract Documents (plans and specifications) for the new facility and adjacent site improvements will be prepared so the project can be publicly bid for construction.

Parking Structure Safety Enhancements - $1,000,000

  • Provide safety enhancements downtown in an effort to spur economic activity in our downtown area

Pedestrian and Mobility Improvements - $4,000,000

  • This project will provide physical improvements to the built environment to enhance pedestrian traffic safety and promote walkability. Main activities will include but not be limited to installing the following improvements: rectangular flashing beacons, hybrid beacons, raised crosswalks, speed humps, bulbous, wheel chair ramps, and sidewalk. The project will be delivered via competitive bidding. The intended outcomes of the project will include: 1) Completion of the built environment improvements. 2) Provide outdoor exercising opportunities for underserved communities who may have no access to parks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Streetlights for Neighborhood Safety - $2,000,000

  • This project will provide physical improvements to the built environment to enhance pedestrian traffic safety and promote walkability. Main activities will include installing streetlights in neighborhoods that are missing streetlights. The project will be delivered via competitive bidding. The intended outcomes of the project will include: 1) Completion of the built environment improvements. 2) Provide outdoor exercising opportunities for underserved communities who may have no access to parks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Storm Drain Gates and Channel Fencing - $950,000

  • The Storm Water Channel Fencing Upgrades Project included the design and construction of new security fencing along City-owned storm water drainage channels. The prior fencing was subject to vandalism and trespassing, which contributed to non-point source pollution. The goal of the project was to improve water quality and address water pollution via the installation of more secure fencing along City-owned drainage channels. This project improves public safety as the drainage channels are no longer accessible to the public.

Transformation of Central Library - $21,585,975

  • The Main Library will undergo a complete physical transformation that will create a digital and AI technology ecosystem and learning landscape that will advance racial equity and provide support for a disproportionately impacted, underserved community. This reimagined FutureTopia library ecosystem will provide learning landscapes and access to future edge tools and services that will improve and enhance early childhood development and literacy (Playtopia), support positive educational outcomes for youth (YouthTopia) and prepare our community’s present and future workforce for the AI and digital technology driven future of work (TechTopia). Space planning and design is estimated for completion in December 2022 and construction of all spaces is estimated for completion in December 2025.
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