Certificate of Occupancy
Residential projects will not receive a Certificate of Occupancy as your signed job card is your proof of final inspection/approval.
Residential projects will not receive a Certificate of Occupancy as your signed job card is your proof of final inspection/approval.
Schedule an inspection online for final inspection when the construction has been completed. All external surfaces must be painted, or otherwise sealed, weather-stripping must be installed on all new windows and doors, and all electrical or plumbing fixtures have been installed. Interior painting, wallpapering, or carpeting need not be complete. Smoke detectors must be installed … Continued
Grading Permit: If a grading permit is required for your project, inspections are clearance of the initial grading work by a Public Works inspector will precede any building construction inspections. Foundation inspection: When the excavation for footings is complete and footing forms and required reinforcing steel and structural embedments are in place, but before any … Continued
You may schedule your inspection online or call (714) 667-2738. Additional inspections may be required from other agencies. Contact information for some of the most common are below. Public Works – (714) 647-5039 Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) – (714) 573-6150 Southern California Gas Company (residential) – (877) 238-0092 Southern California Gas Company (commercial/industrial) – … Continued
The city inspector checks the work that is being done for compliance with the approved plans and applicable codes and ordinances. The inspector will check each phase of the job and shall approve it before the next part of the job begins. The inspection job card given to you when permits are issued will list … Continued
All construction or work for which a permit is required is subject to one or more inspections by the Building Safety Division. All such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the Building Official. In addition, certain types of construction shall have inspections by deputy building inspectors, as … Continued