Is a business license required to conduct business in Santa Ana?
Yes. For more information, check out these resources.
Yes. For more information, check out these resources.
You may apply for a business license by coming in person to City Hall and obtaining and completing the appropriate application, or you may contact the business tax office by phone to have the applications mailed, emailed, or faxed.
Every business, including temporary or itinerant businesses, operating from commercial premises within Santa Ana is required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for their commercial location and comply with any and all applicable provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code relating to zoning, building, and fire safety. For information on Certificate of Occupancy requirements, please … Continued
A business license is an annual non-regulatory licensing fee levied by individual California cities and counties for the privilege of conducting business within a particular city or county jurisdiction. Business license fees are due and payable prior to commencing business within a particular city or county. The fees assessed are intended to raise revenue for … Continued
The sales tax rate in Santa Ana is 9.25 percent.
The Santa Ana Municipal Code requires that a municipal business license tax be paid when conducting business within city limits. This tax is paid for by the business license fee when you apply and pay for a business license. For more information, visit the Business License Division’s website.
To help you through the process of starting your own business, we’ve put together a quick guide. For more information about City of Santa Ana business licensing requirements, contact the Business Tax Office at (714) 647-5447. To inquire about City of Santa Ana zoning requirements for the type of business and its planned location, contact … Continued