Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Summer Splash Day Camp FAQs

For any additional Summer Splash Day Camp questions please reference the list below or call any of the community centers hosting the camp:

Registration is open April 20th for all 10 weeks up until Monday morning of that camp each week.

No, this is a weekly summer camp. Regardless of how many days the child attends in the week, the fee is set.

At this time, our camps do not have the capacity to offer amended pricing for programming. If a child misses an entire week of camp due to an illness, refunds are issued on a case-by-case basis with a doctor’s note.

The parent can pay just for those weeks. Each week is paid separately.

To optimize your child’s experience camp, our experiences are specifically designed for children ages 6-12 years old. Special circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We cannot guarantee free swim outside of camp, regardless of age or experience. Check the City’s website for more information regarding open swim hours at each pool facility.

Excursions are integrated into our weekly fee. There is no separate fee. We encourage full attendance for the week, however, attendance is at the discretion of the parent.

Refunds are available until the Monday before the week of camp for which they registered.

Example: If they registered for Week 1 which starts June 3rd , they can request a refund up until May 27th.

At this time, our camps do not have the capacity to offer amended programming. While we cannot enforce attendance, there is a 10:1 child to staff ratio and we take precautions to ensure your child is safe with us.

Yes, we will have certified lifeguards teaching swim lessons alongside our summer camp staff providing constant supervision.

Yes, we are working with the Santa Ana United School District to provide lunch Monday – Friday. Campers with food allergies and sensitivities are responsible to bring their own lunch and ensure the snacks they bring are in line with campers’ dietary needs.

Yes, our current policy is allow all kids within the age range to participate in our programs. We cannot guarantee satisfactory student support as our staff are not certified or trained to deal with children on the spectrum and each staff member will lead 10 students. Speak to a campsite director to determine if this program is the best fit for your participant.

Monday, June 3rd to Friday, August 9th

Campers must be picked up by 5:30 P.M.  Pick-ups later than 5:30 P.M. will have late fees, which must be paid before the next week of camp.

While we encourage campers to stay for the full day, parents can pick up their child at an earlier hour with advance notice the day before early pick-up is needed.

Please write all adults that are authorized to pick up your camper on your emergency card in your parent packet before camp starts. Designated adults will have to show an ID to pick up the camper.

Check out the city website here as well as follow us on Instagram at @santaanaparks for program updates.
We highly encourage parents to attend our parent orientation meeting from 6:30-7:30pm on May 5th at the Jerome Center, May 6th at the Salgado Center, or May 7th at the El Salvador center. Orientation locations are open all campers but we recommend attending the meeting for the site your camper is registered.

Yes, but campers must be able to self-administer. Our staff are not trained to administer.

For the safety of your child, pick-up is at the community centers where we can verify designated adults.

Yes, you can register your family in our Aquatics program outside of camp participation hours here.

For the safety of all campers, only registered participants may attend camp daily , this includes excursions. If you are concerned about attending with your camper, this camp may not be the best for you and your family.

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