Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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FAQ Topic: Historic Preservation

Historic Information and Links

If you would like to learn more about Santa Ana, and other community organizations that support preservation of our historic and cultural heritage click here. Have questions? Please review the list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Historic Preservation Incentives

When a property is placed on the state or local historic register, the owners may be eligible for a certain of incentives, as described below: Information on Historic Preservation Incentives Historic Plaque Standards City Historic Restoration Loan Program

Historic Resources Commission Meetings

The Historic Resources Commission meets bimonthly (January, March, May, July, September, November) on the first Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm in City Council Chambers. Meeting Agenda Packets/Archive – Current and archival agendas, minutes, and audio files are now available via the City Clerk webpage at the link above.

Historic Preservation Design & Review

Any improvements or alterations to a property on the Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties, as well as those contributing properties located in a historic district, must meet the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation and will require a Certificate of Appropriateness. Major alterations, relocations or demolitions are considered for approval by the Historic Resources … Continued

Historic Property Applications

Historic Property Application & Checklist (Add Property to the Local Register) Historic Property Preservation Agreement (HPPA) Application & Checklist (Mills Act Application) Application for Removal from Local Historic Register Historic Exterior Modification Application (HEMA)

Places of Historic and Architectural Significance

In 1998, City Council adopted Chapter 30 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to establish the “Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties” to list local historically significant properties, and created a Historic Resources Commission to oversee Santa Ana’s Historic Preservation Program.

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