Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

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FAQ Topic: Clerk of the Council

Is there a fee involved?

If the information is in hard copy only and must be photocopied, or if you desire a hard copy printout, the cost is 25 cents per page. If the information you request is available in an electronic format and you desire it in that format, the file(s) can be copied to a DVD/CD/USB at a … Continued

Important Election Dates

July 15  to August 9 – NOMINATION PERIOD Candidates may come to the City Clerk’s office to pick up their nomination papers and file other election documents during business hours as posted, by appointment ONLY. NOTE: The Santa Ana City Charter requires persons running for City Council to be a thirty (30) day resident of the … Continued

Agendas, minutes, and recordings

City Council public hearings Meeting date Agendas Recordings Minutes October 5, 2021 Agenda Video Minutes October 19, 2021 Agenda Video Minutes November 2, 2021 Agenda Video Minutes November 15, 2021 Agenda Video Minutes December 6, 2021 Agenda Video Minutes January 18, 2022 Agenda Video Minutes February 1, 2022 Agenda Video Minutes February 16, 2022 Agenda … Continued

On election day, how and where do I vote?

Before each election, the Registrar of Voters sends every registered voter a Voter Information Guide “Sample Ballot” that lists the candidates and tells the voter where to vote. To see voting options, including the locations of Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes, please visit

How do I become a registered voter in Santa Ana?

Any person who is 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States or naturalized citizen can register to vote by filling out an Affidavit of Registration or registering online at:  Check the Registrar of Voters website  for further information.  Registration forms are available at the following locations: County of Orange Registrar of … Continued

Who is responsible for conducting City elections?

The City Clerk serves as the elections official for the City of Santa Ana and works with the Orange County Registrar of Voters to conduct elections for the City of Santa Ana.  The City Clerk’s staff advises candidates about procedures; accepts and maintains campaign finance disclosure statements; provides voter registration forms; and provides maps and … Continued

When do candidates who are elected take office?

The Registrar of Voters Office certifies election results (the Registrar has up to 30 days following Election Day).  The final results are sent to the City Clerk who in turn presents them to the City Council at a Special Meeting for acceptance.  The City Council approves the election results. The City Clerk administers the Oath … Continued

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