Presidents Day observance on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping

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Step 4. Prepare and Finalize Documents for E-Plan Check Review

  • While you wait for a response, please ensure you have all the following  documents, which are required for Pre-Approved ADU Plan submittal.
    • Pre-Approved ADU Submittal Checklist, use this sheet as a guide to ensure your plans meet all necessary requirements for submittal.
    • Pre-Approved ADU Application and Affidavit
    • Hold Harmless Agreement
    • Site Plan detailing the Pre-Approved Plan set utilized, all existing and proposed structures, property lines, walkways, driveways, landscaped yards, walls/fences, air conditioning units, and existing or proposed easements (minimum scale: 1 inch = 20 feet).
    • Cover Page (Title Sheet) of your chosen Pre-Approved ADU Plan must have all fillable fields completed.
    • Grading Exemption Packet shall be submitted, completed and signed along with application.
    • Copy of Recent Title Report: The Title Report must have been completed within the last six months and must include an Assessor’s Parcel Map, Grant Deed, and Legal Description for the property. The Grant Deed should indicate the owner of record signing the General Data and Affidavit form.  A Title Report can be obtained through any title company.
    • Selected Pre-Approved ADU Plans have been pre-filed and named according to the required File Naming Convention and Upload Submittal Guide , please do not alter names of documents once you have downloaded them.
    • All other required documents and application that apply to your project.
    • Additional sheets submitted must be a minimum size of 24″ X 36″. I.e. Site Plan
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