Eligible Business Expenses & Reimbursement

This grant is issued as a reimbursement for business expenses. Copies of invoices, bills, and receipts of the business expenses, are required and must be submitted with corresponding verification of payment in the form of canceled checks, bank statements, and credit card statements are required. All expenditures must be reasonable, allowable, and necessary for the type businesses requesting the funding and subject to approval by the City.
Businesses may request reimbursement for the following eligible expenses:

• Santa Ana Business License

• Certificate of Occupancy/Home Occupation Permit

• City, County, and State fees associated with licensing and/or permitting

• Rent – 3 months (Home-based businesses not eligible)

• Utilities – 3 months (Home-based businesses not eligible)

• Commercial Kitchen Space Rent – 3 months

• Insurance

• Business Phone/Internet

• Marketing/Advertising

• Inventory/Equipment/Supplies

• Technology (Business Software, licensing, and equipment appropriate to the type of business)

• Professional Services (Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Payroll Services)

• Other reasonable, allowable, and necessary expenses as approved by the City

Ineligible Expenses of Grant:

• Expenses that will be reimbursed by other sources such as grants or insurance are not eligible, as this constitutes a duplication of benefits.

• Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, adult entertainment, gambling products are not allowable expenses for reimbursement.

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