Location Layers: All Projects

Related California Bristol Specific Plan

Elevations, Renderings, Plans, & Photos: Project Description: The applicant proposes a specific plan for a 42-acre site to allow up to 3,750 residential units, up to 350,000 square feet of commercial space, 250 hotel rooms, and 200 senior care units, including 6,520 onsite parking spaces, and 13.1 acres of onsite open space. The site is … Continued

Park 55 Industrial Redevelopment Project

Elevations, Renderings, Plans, & Photos: Project Description: Applicant is proposing to demolish two industrial buildings to accommodate three new industrial buildings with new parking, landscaping, and onsite improvements. Building one will be 69,300 square-feet, building two will be 47,300 square-feet, building three will be 59,400 square-feet. This project requires discretionary review and approval by the … Continued

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