Presidents Day holiday on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping.

Learn more here.

Schedule your appointment

For plan checking, encroachment permitting, mapping and permit building release,  please click below to schedule an appointment and select PWA Development Engineering

We are open for in-person visits at the Public Works counter on the first floor of City Hall by appointment only.

Counter hours

The new counter hours are: Monday through Thursday and alternate Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Appointments to visit Public Works Agency Central Files for record drawings will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Appointment information

  • Appointments are available online only. Walk-Ins are not accepted, but same-day appointments may be available.
  • Appointment intervals and duration are 30 minutes. Please limit the volume of transactions based on the appointed time. If additional time beyond the scheduled 30 minutes is needed to complete necessary transactions, staff may schedule a follow-up appointment with you for the next available time.
  • If you wish to visit multiple agencies during a single visit (i.e., the Planning and Building Agency and the Public Works Agency) must book individual appointments for each service.
  • Customers must arrive no later than 5 minutes after their scheduled appointment. Late arrivals will be automatically deleted from the system. Please consider travel and parking time.
  • Payment by credit card is limited to $5,000. Multiple credit card transactions in excess of $5,000 will not be accepted.
  • Please have all necessary documentation and method of fee payment ready upon arrival. Select from below services to get detailed document requirement:

Central Files (located on third floor of the Ross Annex)

  • Central Files appointment intervals are one hour.
  • Central Files contains information related to public right-of-way improvements and substructures.
  • In lieu of visiting the Central Files office, you can email Joseph Mendoza at or call (714) 647-5056 to submit your request to receive records digitally.
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