Warren Bussey ceremonial street sign topper unveiling

NovNovember 21 2024

11:00am - 12:00pm Corner of Walnut Street and Pacific Avenue

Walnut Street and Pacific Avenue, Santa Ana, California 92703

The City of Santa Ana is having a ceremony to unveil the newest ceremonial street sign topper in honor of Warren Bussey.

Mr. Bussey was a longtime business owner and community leader in Santa Ana who opened the first Black-owned business in the city and later was believed to be the oldest Black man in Orange County. Mr. Bussey passed away at the age of 108 on May 9, 2022. Learn more about Mr. Bussey’s life here.

The Santa Ana City Council established the Ceremonial Street Sign Topper program to commemorate the service, lives, and achievements of individuals, philanthropic groups of individuals, or a landmark event, affiliated with the City of Santa Ana where the individual(s) or event has had significant and clearly defined cultural, humanitarian or historic impact on the City. Learn more about the ceremonial street sign program here.

Warren Bussey ceremonial street-naming sign flyer

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