Job readiness workshop: building your brand

MarMarch 15 2022

10:00am - 12:00pm WORK Center

801 W Civic Center Dr, Suite 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701

WORK Center Logo

Join the Santa Ana WORK Center for an in-person workshop on building your personal brand! Topics include building your LinkedIn profile, leveraging your network, and creating your “elevator pitch.”
Register by filling out the form at (case sensitive)

Funded by the Santa Ana WORK Center. This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please call 714-565-2600. TDD/TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 or 711. Please call 48 hours in advance to allow the WORK Center to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this program.

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