Heninger Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

JanJanuary 25 2023

6:30pm - 7:30pm Heninger Elementary School

417 W. Walnut St, Santa Ana, CA 92701

The Heninger Park Neighborhood Association will be hosting their general meeting on Wednesday, January 25 at 6:30pm at Heninger Elementary School located at 417 W. Walnut St.

Meeting Agenda:

1) Welcome & Introductions: Councilmember Benjamin Vazquez
2) Help Shape Heninger Park Neighborhood’s Future & Planning for 2023
3) Cypress Fire Station, Project Funding Proposal for the Historic Cypress Fire
Station Community Center Restoration
4) Public Works Agency Updates:
5) Santa Ana Police – Community Safety Update
6) Brainstorming & gathering ideas about neighborhood-produced events and
activities that can be made possible using available funding from Charitable
Ventures OC Grants For Blocks Program’s Census 2020.


Meeting Flyer:  Heninger Park NA 1 25 2023

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