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Draft Santa Ana General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report Available for Public Review

Posted on August 6, 2020

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The General Plan Update is the guide for shaping Santa Ana’s future.

Now available for public review, Santa Ana’s “Golden City Beyond: A Shared Vision” General Plan will guide the City’s development and conservation for the next 25 years through 2045. The update will provide long-term policy direction and communicate the vision, values, and goals for Santa Ana’s physical development, fiscal and environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life.

Building on the Draft Policy Framework (December 2018) and outreach conducted in 2019 and 2020, the August 2020 Public Review Draft General Plan documents now include mapping, tables, and updated policies.

The Draft General Plan Elements are designed to be easy to navigate, visually dynamic, and user friendly. The Draft General Plan is organized into three Sections: Services and Infrastructure (1), Natural Environment (2), and Built Environment (3). Within these volumes, a total of 12 elements will serve to replace a total of 16 existing elements last revised comprehensively in 1982.

The Draft General Plan Land Use Element has identified five key areas for potential urban and transit-oriented development opportunities to encourage pedestrian, bicycle, and transit travel to improve air quality. These areas propose a mixture of uses including new housing, community-serving commercial, and employment areas accessible to all residents.

The City of Santa Ana has prepared a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) that evaluates potential environmental effects associated with the proposed Santa Ana General Plan Update. Pursuant to the California Public Resources Code and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA Guidelines), the Draft PEIR will be available for a 45-day public review from Monday, August 3, 2020 through Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

The Draft General Plan Elements and Program EIR are found at Learn more about the Draft General Plan Update, upcoming public meetings, and how to participate on the General Plan webpage. All are welcome to provide comments by email at For more information you may also call (714) 667-2781.

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