Comprehensive Zoning Code Update
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Good codes make good communities.
The City of Santa Ana has embarked on a comprehensive update to its Zoning Code to realize the community-based vision adopted in the City’s General Plan. The Zoning Code is a set of regulations that define how land can be developed and used. Such regulations create neighborhoods and districts that meet residents’ needs and provide places for businesses to thrive.
Why update the Zoning Code now?
The current Zoning Code was last updated in the 1960s. Now is the time to modernize it, embrace best practices, reflect new State laws, and take the next step to implement the General Plan.
How does the Zoning Code implement the General Plan?
The General Plan established a vision for the City’s future that states:
Santa Ana is a city that promotes the health and wellness of all residents, with a civic culture that actively embraces the power of diversity. Our city invests in resources that create economic opportunities for the next generation, and it is a community that celebrates our past while working together to create a sustainable future.
Through the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update, the City will adopt zoning districts, permitted uses, and standards to create new and maintain existing neighborhoods and areas that realize the vision.
What is the focus of the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update?
The focus of the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update is citywide and the City anticipates various types of changes in different areas. Some areas will remain largely unchanged, such as well-established residential neighborhoods with a high quality of life. In other areas, changes that are more significant are expected. For example, the General Plan envisions high-density residential development in targeted mixed-use high-opportunity areas. Also, the City anticipates changes where industry and sensitive receptors are in close proximity to each other to minimize land use conflicts and promote development of jobs-rich uses.
Ongoing Opportunity to Engage
Virtual Community Workshop Experience
Dive into a virtual self-guided workshop to learn about regulations that guide development and share your ideas and concerns with the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update team. The virtual workshop mirrors the Round 1 Community Workshops that took place last summer. If you were not able to attend or if you would like to share more, this is your opportunity to influence new regulations. Please click on the link below to engage.
Learn about the Zoning Code Update
See opportunities to participate.
View the engagement timeline.
Link to the General Plan
Visit the current Zoning Code
Learn about project progress
Learn about the CEQA process