Presidents Day observance on February 17: City Hall closed, no street sweeping

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COVID-19 Weekly Update

Posted on August 28, 2020

As part of our COVID-19 recovery efforts, this week we continued with our Santa Ana Cares Mobile Resource Center outreach. A cross-departmental team of City employees are strategically setting up pop-up resource centers throughout the city, which includes COVID-19 testing. To date, we’ve visited 18 different neighborhoods! Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far:

  • Dropped off 9,252 door hangers
  • Handed out 9,162 Santa Ana Cares kits (reusable bags filled with informational guides, hand sanitizer, face masks, and other surprises)
  • Issued 58,352 face masks
  • Administered 241 COVID-19 mobile tests

Mobile Resource Center 1    Mobile Resource Center 2

Our crews have braved the heat and have spoken with residents (while practicing social distancing, of course). During our engagement efforts, our staff is sharing information on testing, providing guidance on how to apply for financial assistance programs, and educating residents about other resources. To support these these outreach efforts, our City staff has worked very hard behind the scenes to prepare Santa Ana Cares kits that are being distributed to residents.

Kudos to Alvaro Nuñez, Code Enforcement Manager, who has led the team in the field.

Behind-the-Scenes Santa Ana Cares

How to Keep Yourself and Others Safe

Stay home and save lives. If you have to go outside, here are some helpful tips to stay healthy:

  • Avoid groups
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a face covering such as a bandanna, scarf, or cloth covering
  • Keep 6 feet between you and everyone else at all times
  • Reduce the time you are around others outside the home
  • Minimize your exposure and your contact with people outside your household
  • Wipe any surfaces you need to touch with antibacterial wipes

Visit our website to learn more.

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