Welcome to our future website!

Posted on March 7, 2022

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Welcome to our future website!

As you can see, this is a work in progress, however, true to the principles of the U.S. Digital Services Playbook, we’ve launched this test site, so we can build openly, iteratively and collaboratively with our community.


There are three phases to our official launch:

  • Alpha: Experiment and test new ideas, call for input.
  • Beta: Incorporate ideas and input into a more concrete website.
  • Live: Formally launch the new site as the official public website (and keep improving it!)


What’s been done:

  • Ongoing training and empowerment on new web tools for internal staff to design services in real time
  • Re-organize content into a customer service approach
  • Prioritize plain language
  • Going beyond ADA compliance to make sure our website works for everyone
  • Consistent content formatting and governance
  • Predictive search
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Interactive get answers
  • Updated services information
  • Website encryption
  • BETA Launch

What’s up next:

  • Department review and feedback
  • Iterating on feedback
  • Adding and improving content
  • Adding more webforms
  • LIVE launch
  • Continuous improvement

We want your input

As we build the new website, we want your input — please share your ideas.

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