Madison Park Neighborhood Association GREEN Project and UCI Stakeholder Public Meeting

JanJanuary 31 2023

Madison Park Neighborhood Association (MPNA) GREEN and AirUCI will be holding a stakeholder meeting to increase awareness of community needs and local air pollution issues in order to inform future policy change. This meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the Delhi Center – 505 E Central Ave. To join through Zoom visit

This meeting will be an opportunity for Santa Ana residents to meet representatives from the City of Santa Ana and government agencies who can help improve the environment and health in Santa Ana. Questions from the audience will be welcome! 

GREEN-MPNA has been working to advance environmental protection and justice in Santa Ana since  2017, working closely with researchers at the University of California Irvine (UCI).  One current project, funded by the California Department of Justice,  is a collaboration with UCI’s EcoGovLab and  AirUCI  to understand air pollution and health effects from tires and brakes.  Stakeholder meetings are a way we work together to translate scientific and community knowledge into action. 

This is a good time to speed up the work. Through the recent General Plan Update, the City of Santa Ana has established a new Environmental Services Program, led by people eager to work with residents. Learn to work effectively with  the many US and State of California government agencies responsible for environmental protection.  There is a  need to understand many pollution sources and health threats in Santa  Ana.  Also, to identify solutions,  learning from effective interventions  in other communities.  Please join this work!  

If you need accommodations contact Leonel Flores three days prior to the event at or Kim Fortun at

View this message in Spanish Spanish EJ Stakeholder Public Outreach Message 1.31.2023

Meeting flyer MPNA Stakeholder Meeting (Flyer)

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