Prohousing Designation Program

The 2019-2020 Budget Act in California provided a spectrum of support, incentives, and accountability measures to meet California’s housing goals, and provided for the establishment of the state's Prohousing Designation Program. The City of Santa Ana is currently applying for a Prohousing Designation.

Benefits to Applying

Receiving a Prohousing Designation documents a jurisdiction’s commitment to implementing local policies that remove obstacles to new housing and recognizes the work that has already been done by a jurisdiction to address California’s severe housing shortage and affordability crisis. Applicants seeking to build affordable housing projects in local governments that receive the Prohousing Designation can receive priority processing or funding points when applying for several funding programs, including Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC), Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG), Transformative Climate Communities (TCC), and more.

Draft Application and Public Comment

The City's application reflects adopted policies, as well as the programs identified in the Housing Element and General Plan to be implemented in the next two years. To receive a Prohousing designation, a jurisdiction must receive a minimum of 30 points.

The draft Prohousing Designation Application can be viewed and commented on by the public for 30 days starting September 23, 2024 until October 22, 2024. Comments can be submitted with the form below or by email to Associate Planner Holli Safran,

The draft Prohousing Designation Application and the Resolution will be presented to City Council at the publicly noticed meeting on October 15, 2024.

Prohousing Designation Application Comment Form

  • What feedback would you like to provide as it relates to the City of Santa Ana's Prohousing Designation application?
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